At Securelogy UK, we help our clients understand the gaps in their cybersecurity operations and fill them. Our Virtual Cybersecurity Manager Service makes it easier and more cost effective for you to meet your security goals. This service spans all elements of the cybersecurity landscape including data loss prevention, threat intelligence and analysis, cybersecurity support, cybersecurity awareness training, cybersecurity programme management and more.

Our Virtual Cybersecurity Manager service provides companies with a viable alternative to employing a full-time cybersecurity manager. The service offers a variety of protective, proactive and supportive cybersecurity services that helps you:

  • Digital intelligence
  • Minimise negative impact of cybersecurity incidents
  • Reduce capital expenditure and control operating costs
  • Improve regulatory compliance and audit performance
  • Increase intelligence and insight for better decision making

The service covers the whole cybersecurity lifecycle. We provide a One Stop Cybersecurity service that acts as your cybersecurity manager or as an extension to your existing cybersecurity team.